Monday, July 20, 2009

Dip netting--57 red salmon

035 (by Leaca's Philosophy)

036 (by Leaca's Philosophy)

031 (by Leaca's Philosophy)

053 (by Leaca's Philosophy)
We filled the wheelbarrow twice.

057 (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Wasilla / Kenai

003 copy (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Gordon actually caught this one but his daughter posed with it first.
005 copy (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Getting the fish ready to take home.
006 copy (by Leaca's Philosophy)

010 copy (by Leaca's Philosophy)

011 copy (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Idaho fisherman...

the day before the live bait fishing opens. They still managed to hook a big one after a little work.
My creation (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Great smile.
fishing 085 (by Leaca's Philosophy)

Dad showed his son how it is done.
fishing 122 (by Leaca's Philosophy)
My creation (by Rusty Young Photography)

Let's Fish!

My creation (by Rusty Young Photography)

Cabin Fever II

Cabin Fever